Trademark Registration for Ducla Trading
01 Jun 2015: Samardzic in cooperation with Specht & Partner successfully registered the trademark “Pronto Bianchi” (fig.) for Ducla Trading, one of the largest importers of food and consumer products to Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia has granted trademark protection to “Pronto Bianchi” (fig.) for the territory of the Republic of Serbia in respect to goods in classes 29 and 30 of the Nice Classification (preserved cooked and frozen fruits and vegetables, preserved olives, extra virgin olive oil, vegetables juices for cooking and rice).
This is the 6th time in past two years that Samardzic in cooperation with Specht & Partner successfully protected trademarks rights of Ducla Trading before Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia. In the past two years, the firm successfully registered on behalf of Ducla Trading the following trademarks: Azucar Demero (fig.) for goods in class 30; Il Capitano Bianchi (fig.) for goods in classes 29 and 30; Mlekoladki for goods in class 30; Tersy for goods in classes 3 and 5 and General Ettore Fini for goods in class 34. Trademark protection of Azucar Demero and General Ettore Fini were particularly interesting from the legal point of view due to the combination of various colors and words that the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia had initially found not sufficiently distinctive.
The legal team responsible for protection of IP rights of Ducla Trading consisted of Milica Samardžić, junior partner and Novak Vujičić, associate.