News | Moscow


Specht Böhm is supporting "Russia Coast to Coast" as a Partner and legal counsel. The event will begin July 23, 2014 and features Austrian Race Across America winner, Wolfgang Fasching, as he attempts to set a world record biking Coast to Coast across Russia from Vladivostok via Yekaterinburg and Moscow to St. Petersburg a total distance of over 10,000 ...


On 5 February 2014, Russian lawmakers proposed amendments concerning the registration of limited liability companies (“LLC”). The amendments will eliminate the requirement to pay at least half of the registered capital upon registration and shorten the deadline for full payment of registered capital from one year to two months from registration. The changes strive to reduce the start-up time for new ...


During the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in June 2013, President Vladimir Putin proposed a reorganization of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, and in October 2013 the bill outlining constitutional amendments was submitted to the State Duma. The proposed changes strive to ensure the uniformity of the Russian court system and practice. The Supreme ...


In a case against the Russian Federation, the Russian Court of first instance has ruled in favor of 2002 Nord-Ost siege hostage victim’s family represented by Specht Böhm Rechtsanwalt GmbH. Family of the victim will receive compensation for the loss of the head of household and moral damages in the amount of more than 100,000 Euros as well as monthly ...


Today’s WirtschaftsBlatt reported the Ring Holding majority takeover of Slovenian paint producer, Helios. Helios' worth is estimated at 250 million Euros. Specht Böhm Rechtsanwalt GmbH conducted the legal due diligence of the Russian subsidiaries in this transaction.  Ring Holding hopes that the takeover will lead the way to entry into the Russian, Ukrainian, Poland and Serbian markets.  Read more in German ...


This past July, Specht Böhm’s Moscow team secured a major victory for Strabag in Moscow. The Moscow Arbitration Court awarded our client 491 million Rubles (approximately 11.7 million Euros) in a case challenging three insurance companies which had originally only paid our client 60 million Rubles (approximately 1.4 million Euros). The complex court proceedings lasted for almost two years and ...


 Natalya Menshikova, Julia Zaletova and Irina Anishchenko have contributed the Russia chapter to the 2013 edition of Getting The Deal Through – Arbitration. The article gives an overview of the laws and institutions, agreements and proceedings before and after the issuance of awards in Russia. It is reproduced with the permission from Law Business Research Ltd. who first published the ...


SPECHT BÖHM and "Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich" have produced a Russian translation of the Austrian Civil Code. Moscow legal publishers “Statut” ( will publish a hard cover edition of the translation in autumn 2012. In May of this year, SPECHT BÖHM partners Leopold Specht and Natalya Menshikova together with Dr. Ludwig Scharinger, the former Chief Executive and Chairman of the Managing Board ...


SPECHT BÖHM Associate, Florian Heindler, has published an article in the leading Russian journal Competition and Law entitled, “Private Enforcement and Choice of Law in the European Union”. The article focuses on the specific conflict of laws rules concerning  tort claims arising from violations of competition law as set out in EU Regulation No. 864/2007 (“Rome II”). The article was triggered ...


On the 13 December 2011 the meeting of the Austrian Economic Forum took place in the famous Moscow restaurant Petrowitsh. The firm hosted this event where numerous representatives of Austrian corporations got together. The Austrian Economic Forum was founded in September 2008 by Austrians who were active in Russia for years. The Austrian Economic Forum serves Austrian corporations as a platform ...